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7th December is a day of saying:
NO to Islamic Republic of Iran!
Yes to Freedom, Equality and Socialism!

7th December marks the radical students’ protest movement against the ruling dictatorial regimes in Iran. Traditionally, radical and left students have staged anti-state protests on this day, for the past decades. However, since June 1999, when the radical and freedom-loving students came to the street in the forefront of the people’s movement against the Islamic regime, students protest movement has entered a new phase. Thus, 7th December has come to signify the radical aspirations of the people in Iran against the Islamic regime, for freedom, equality and prosperity for all.  This day has become the symbol of resistance and struggle against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Following the June mass movement in opposition to the government this month, is yet another highlight in the people’s general mass protest movement against the regime, for freedom, equality and prosperity for all.

No one can deny the fact that Iran is awaiting a mass uprising to overthrow the regime. People are revolting against three decades of suppression, torture, execution, discrimination, inequality, poverty and misery imposed on them by the Islamic regime.

7th December, also known as “students’ Day” has become a day when people say NO to the Islamic regime and chant Freedom, Equality and Socialism. Thanks to communist and progressive students, today, the universities and all other educational facilities have turned into bastions of revolutionary struggle against the regime.

This tradition must be upheld. On this day slogans such as “we do not want religious state”, “we do not want dictatorship”, “we do not want discrimination, inequality between men and women”, “we do not want gender apartheid”, “we do not want Hejab”, “we do not want medieval government” must be chanted. People in Iran are raising their voices and declare that they want to get rid of poverty, destitution and deprivation. All citizens must be equal and prosperous. This is only possible under a Socialist Republic.

The Islamic regime is well aware of the potentials of such mass protest movement which could seriously undermine its position. That is why it has already introduced certain measures to curb any advancement of the protests. It has arrested many students and has tried to expand gender segregation policy in universities. The universities have been turned into military garrisons. The armed forces have already started to intimidate and threaten students. The demand to free all political prisoners which include students and workers, and removal of the military forces from the campuses are vital demands of this mass protest movement too.

The Ruling government is not the only enemy for the rank of worker-communists. The so called “green” state-reformist movement too is another obstacle. The state-reformist groups and political figures that have been and still are part and parcel of the Islamic Republic, try to limit and suffocate the people’s protests on this day. They will try to use this struggle to negotiate better deals for themselves and consolidate their positions within the government. That is what they tried to do in June this year.

7th December is the day when people chant NO to the Islamic republic and YES to Freedom, Equality, Prosperity and Socialism. Universities will be the main venues for protests. However, this protest movement should not be limited to students or universities. The Worker-communism Unity Party urges all to take part in this struggle for the overthrow of the Islamic regime and raising the banner of communism and freedom towards a better world.

Worker-communism Unity Party
23 November 2009